My Language 2 Self-assessment 2024 (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)

Hii, today I will talk to you about “My Language 2 Self-assessment 2024”. Well, first I want to say that this semester was much more difficult than the previous one, but I think I am improving in phonetics and getting used to how the subject works. I really believe I have improved a lot in my writing thanks to phonetic transcriptions, but I definitely need to improve in speaking, I need to practice my pronunciation even more. This semester we started giving feedback to our L4 classmates, and I have really enjoyed doing that since we can practice how to say things and advise in a good way. Also, the feedback from my classmates helps me a lot to realize things I need to improve, and I appreciate that very much. I would like to thank my friends Fatima and Panchi, as they help me a lot to study, and without them this semester would not have been good. I sincerely appreciate their company. I hope that my second year is not as difficult, that my English can improve, and that I can do better than this year! I also hope to be less shy and participate more in classes, especially in phonetics, as I really enjoy Professor Jaime’s classes and the tasks he does in class. That’s all, thank you for listening, Bye.

The black cat is Fátima, the orange cat is Panchi, and the golden one is me (our personalities are based on these animals).

Audio Upload 14 episode 135 “Flatmates reloaded” ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

For the last Flatmates we chose episode episode 135: Mobile mystery.

Me as Alice, Fátima as Khalid and Francisca as Woman


Me as Woman, Fátima as Alice and Francisca as Khalid


Me as Khalid, Fátima as Woman and Francisca as Alice



Alice:So how was it?
Khalid:I can’t quite believe I’m saying this but it actually wasn’t that bad!
Alice:Really? That dentist must have been something special. Oh, sorry Khalid, excuse me. Oh it’s Paul. Hello darling. Haven’t heard from you in ages. What have you been up to?
Woman:Who am I speaking to?
Alice:I beg your pardon? Who am I? Who are you, more like it?
Woman:No, I asked you first.
Alice:No, you phoned me. So you must know who I am but I don’t know who you are. You’re calling from Dr Paul Laver’s phone. Have you stolen it?
Woman:If there’s any stealing going on, it’s you who’s doing it.
Alice:What are you talking about?
Woman:Home wrecker, husband stealer!
Alice:Mrs Laver? Lucy?
Woman:So you do know who I am! You truly are a disgusting, shameless witch!
Alice:Wow, there! There’s no need to insult me, what did I even do to you!?
Khalid:Alice? Why are you screaming? Is everything OK?
Woman:What did you do, you dare ask me!? You’ve been seeing my husband!
Alice:I’m fine, Khalid, just give me a minute… Look, lady, as far as I know, you left Paul, and he’s trying to move on, so please don’t bother me.
Khalid:Is that Mrs Laver?
Woman:How dare you! Paul and I are married, we have children together!
Alice:You abandoned them! You have no right to calm me a husband stealer!
Khalid:Calm down Alice, she’s not worth it.
WomanYou don’t know what you’re talking about! Stay away from my family!
AliceYou know what? I can’t deal with this today. hangs up
KhalidGod she sounds truly crazy, I’m sorry Alice

Audio Upload 13 episode 121, Flatmates reloaded ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა


EllieWatch me Alice! Look how fast I’m going!
AliceWow! You’re doing really well Ellie.
InstructorOK and walk! Good Dusty, good Ellie. And halt. Now, dismount Ellie.
EllieOh that was fantastic! I love Dusty. She’s the best horse in the world. Isn’t she beautiful?
AliceShe certainly is. So have you enjoyed yourself?
EllieOh Alice it was brilliant. Thank you so much.
AliceOh it’s my pleasure. I’m glad you had fun. I did too.
InstructorOK, enough of the love-fest you two. There’s a horse that needs to be untacked and a stable that needs mucking out. Are you ready to get to work young lady?
AliceDo you want me to record you so you can send a greeting to your dad? 
InstructorSorry, no recording is allowed here.
EllieAww, I wanted to have something to remember this moment.
AliceIs there any way I can just take a quick picture at least? I won’t post it anywhere.
InstructorSorry, but rules are rules. You can take an official picture with our photographer at the end.
EllieOh that’s still great!
AliceYes, you can get a perfect picture and have something to remind you of this day!
InstructorIt costs 8$ dollars a picture, and two pictures for 12$.
EllieMm, I would really like more than one picture, but dad only gave me 10$
AliceDon’t worry about it, I’ll pay for the pictures, now let’s go!
InstructorAlright, let’s go then.

Fátima as Alice/ Panchi as Ellie/ Val as instructor.

Fátima as Ellie/ Panchi as instructor/ Val as Alice.

Fátima as instructor/ Panchi Alice/ Val as Ellie.

Writing task 2 ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

Hii, here is my writing task 2, about the Chilean traditions.

Chile is a country full of traditions with its interesting history and cultural diversity. The greatest tradition and the most important to me are the national holidays, where we commemorate another year since the first national government meeting. Chileans celebrate these holidays like no other, as they are filled with traditions, such as dancing “cueca” until we can’t anymore, which is the typical dance of Chile, in addition to eating all the typical foods of our country (pastel de choclo,empanadas de pino, mote con huesillo, anticuchos, sopaipillas, etc.). Last but not least, the famous traditional games; without these, there would be no fun at the parties, as these games bring us together as a family to have a good time. Among these games are: emboque, trompo, los tarros, flying kites, etc.

Honestly, I believe that the national holidays are the best opportunity to celebrate with family, where we unite more as a country and enjoy the patriotic atmosphere. On the other hand, there is also a downside, as many believe that these holidays are only about getting drunk, which leads to car accidents. That is why the famous “Ley Emilia” was created, which penalizes those who drive under the influence.

Finally, this is the most important tradition of Chile, which we must celebrate and enjoy to the fullest, in order to connect with our history and culture.